Rabat is a Moroccan city. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has unveiled a “10-Point Plan to Reduce Oil Use” in order to alleviate a global supply shortage caused by the Ukraine situation. On Friday, March 19, the Paris-based intergovernmental body announced its planned “emergency measures” in an effort to curb oil consumption by individuals and governments.
The International Energy Agency’s 10-point plan outlines steps that countries can take to minimize oil consumption among their citizens. The plan recommends that governments cut highway speed restrictions by 10 km/h, make public transportation more affordable, and implement car-free Sundays in major cities.
It encourages companies and individuals to “work from home up to three days per week where possible,” to use ride-sharing and carpooling, and to avoid business travel if possible. Individuals are also encouraged to use high-speed trains or night trains instead of flying, while governments are encouraged to promote the use of electric vehicles and more efficient freight transportation and distribution.
The IEA’s plan is in response to the Ukraine crisis, which the agency claims has “thrown global commodity markets into chaos.” “Immediate efforts in advanced economies can lower oil demand by 2.7 million barrels per day in the next four months,” the association said.
Addressing what the IEA calls a “looming emergency for global energy security” isn’t only about dealing with the current energy shortage. According to the energy institute, the ten-point plan will “help pave the road to placing oil demand on a more sustainable route in the long run.”
Within four months, the IEA appears to be sure that their plan would result in a significant reduction in oil demand, “equal to the oil demand of all the cars in China.”
“IEA Member Countries have already stepped in to support the global economy with an initial release of millions of barrels of emergency oil stocks,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said of the plan and its accompanying report, “but we can also take action on demand to avoid the risk of a crippling oil crunch.”