Turkey’s FDI hits $250bn in 20years

Turkey has attracted foreign direct investments (FDI) totalling over $250 billion (TL 6.9 trillion) since 2003, according to the head of the Presidency’s Investment Office. Ahmet Burak Dağlıoğlu highlighted the country’s efforts to attract investors and elevate its economic activities.

Before 2003, Turkey received an average of 0.2% of global investments, but after 2003, it averaged around 1% annually. This shift, Dağlıoğlu explained, was partly due to political stability.

Dağlıoğlu noted that Europe accounted for 68% of total FDI, while the United States contributed 8%, Gulf countries 7%, and other Asian countries 14%. The finance sector received a significant portion of investments, followed by manufacturing.

The Investment Office aims to enhance Turkey’s investment image and provides free consultancy services to international companies operating in Turkey.

Dağlıoğlu emphasised that attracting FDI is vital for Turkey to become one of the world’s top 10 economies, with a focus on addressing the current account deficit, creating employment, and promoting technological transformation.

He also highlighted the interest from Asian and Gulf countries in Turkey as an alternative production hub, driven by changes in supply chains due to the pandemic and geographic proximity to Europe.

Dağlıoğlu mentioned that Turkey’s policies, including renewable energy initiatives and the Zero Waste Project, are attractive to investors. The country’s political leadership, rapid response to global developments, and infrastructure investments have made it a central player in the changing geopolitical landscape.

He stressed that Turkey’s green policies and sustainability agenda make it an attractive destination for sustainable investments. Additionally, the Investment Office is planning events in European and Gulf countries to further promote investment in Turkey.