Vietnam’s Success in FDI Attraction Highlighted by Report

Central to Vietnam’s economic narrative is the substantial influx of foreign direct investment (FDI), which has played a crucial role in driving growth and fostering development across various sectors. According to an article published by the KRF Centre for Bangladesh and Global Affairs on its website,, Vietnam has experienced remarkable economic expansion from 2002 to 2023, underscoring the significant impact of strategic investments and forward-thinking policies.

During this period, Vietnam’s registered FDI surged from 2 million USD in 1988 to a staggering 550 billion USD by the end of 2023. The country’s strategic focus on high-tech sectors, coupled with its stable government and attractive incentive schemes, has enhanced its appeal for international investors. With over 36,000 active FDI projects totaling 441 billion USD, Vietnam’s foreign investment landscape reflects robustness and potential for growth.

Over the past three decades, countries like the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Japan have emerged as top contributors to Vietnam’s FDI landscape. Moreover, Vietnam’s strategic geographic location as a manufacturing hub and its active involvement in major global trade agreements further solidify its status as a sought-after destination for international trade and investment.

Vietnam’s dedication to enhancing its business environment is evident through its rising rankings for ease of doing business and its proactive approach to infrastructure development. Additionally, the country’s extensive network of Double Tax Avoidance Agreements and consistent efforts to draw foreign investors through tax incentives contribute to its attractiveness as an investment destination.

With a stable government, a clear economic vision, and a favourable business environment, Vietnam offers investors reliable investment returns and promising opportunities for growth on both regional and global levels.